About Tasty-Takes

Tasty-Takes: A Beerman’s Guide to Everything Fishing

Tasty-Takes is a blog about fishing, beer and everything in between.  We will show videos and pictures, share funny stories, describe important conservation efforts, and most importantly review beers and how well they go with fishing trips.

Tasty-Takes consists of four distinct sections:

River Brew Review

Each week we review a different beer.  In our review we focus on one of the most important aspects of a beer–how well it goes with a fishing trip!  It is important to know what type of beer you should bring on each type of fishing excursion.  For example, is a certain beer good for morning, afternoon, or night trips?  Which beer goes the best on a long hike and fish? If I catch a fish of a lifetime what beer should I celebrate with?  Now we don’t review just beer, we also touch upon whiskey, wine, and other drinks that go well with fishing.  We do our reviewing on the water so we can give you the best possible information.  If you have a certain beer/drink that you want reviewed please email me at Chris@tasty-takes.com, we are always open to suggestions and we love trying new beer. We also review beer for fly tying and these reviews can be found both in the River Brew Reviews and in Our Weekly Tie.  We attempt to get our reviews out early each week so that you weekend warriors out there can be well informed.

Our Weekly Tie

Each week we are going to post videos on how to tie some of our favorite flies.  We also post videos with basic fly tying instructions for beginners.  I know that when I started tying I needed all the help I could get.  Check in each week for a different video, also check out Our Weekly Tie page for archived videos.  If you have suggestions for flies to tie or techniques you need explained email Mike@tasty-takes.com.  During some of our fly tying videos we also review the best beers for tying, let Mike know if there is a beer that you think goes well with tying.

Fishing Fail

This is one of my favorite sections of our blog but it isn’t possible without your help.  We here at Tasty-Takes have put a couple of our most embarrassing/memorable Fishing Fail stories up for you all to see. We know that you have some hilarious fishing photos or videos and we want to see them.  Email me at Chris@tasty-takes.com to get your Fishing Fail on Tasty-Takes.  Each month we will give a prize away to the best Fishing Fail.

Equipment Reviews

One of the hardest things for me is pulling the trigger on buying new equipment.  It is hard to lay down hundreds of dollars for the latest and greatest without being educated on it.  You can always hit up a fly shop or large fishing retailer but most of the time I don’t want a salesman pressuring me into buying something I am not sure about.  Our reviews are an attempt to help you get educated.  That way you can make a well informed decision before spending your hard earned cash on the sickest goods around.  If you are looking for information on a specific item email me at Chris@tasty-takes.com and if we don’t already have a review we will do our best to get one from someone who uses the product.

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