How to Tie a Slightly Modified 20 Incher from Chris Eaton on Vimeo.
Want to know how to tie a great Stonefly Pattern? Here is your chance! Mike demonstrates how to tie his slightly modified 20 incher pattern. The 20 incher is a great fly for early season trout and should definitely be apart of your fly box. More info after the break
The Ingredients you need are:
The Ingredients you need:
hook: sz 6-10, nymph style
tail: Goose Biot, brown
rib: Pearl Flashabou and copper wire
abdomen: Peacock Herl (5-6)
wing case: Swiss Straw
legs: Hungarian Partridge
thorax: gray dubbing (gold if you want a golden stone)
weight: .025 Lead or non lead wire
bead: 3/16in tungsten bead
If you have any questions, suggestions, or ties that you want to learn email