River Brew Review: Mazano Pyroclastic Porter

pyroclasticPlanning mode continues in the Tasty-Takes household, as does my quest to drink at least a growler a week as I try to work through all the dark beers in Oregon!


Appearance: A nice clear brown, pretty dark. Not a lot of bubbles or head. I need to remember to review the growler beers on the first pour. This is the 3rd pour and that could account for the flat appearance.

Smell: I get coffee and vanilla. The coffee hits the nose first, followed by the sweet smelling vanilla. Not a strong smelling beer, but again that could be due to the lack of freshness.

Taste/Mouthfeel: Nice and smoky. Malty and sweet to start. Has a pretty strong coffee ending with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The sweetness is balanced well and isn’t overpowering.

Overall: Pretty good, but not incredible. Standard porter. I like it, but will definitely venture into something else on the next growler!

3 out of a Six Pack ©

3 out of a Six Pack ©

ABV: 5.2%
IBU: 30
Brewery: Mazama Brewing, Corvallis, Oregon

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