River Brew Review: Colorado Kolsch German-Style Ale

Colorado Kolsch I’ve had this beer for a couple weeks and have been meaning to review it that whole time, but I got sick in there and I am crushed at work (if you have retirement plan questions or would like to start a retirement plan please email mike@tasty-takes.com) so it just kept slipping through the cracks. Tonight, though, it’s happening.

I ended up with this beer because the local liquor store where I shop has a woefully small selection of micro brews and most of those are IPAs that I dislike reviewing since I don’t enjoy them much. Given their selection one of the few non-IPAs that I hadn’t tried yet was the Colorado Kolsch.

The beer is brewed by Steamworks Brewing in Durango, Colorado and is billed as a German Style Kolsch. This basically means that it’s brewed in the Kolsch style and was developed in Germany to rival the Czech brewed Pilsners. The result is definitely right up my alley – a light, drinkable beer.

Kolsch and SteakKolsch and Butte

I had a couple of these after fishing the Taylor hard and while I was doing some grilling and boy did they go down smooth. I also had a couple during our first camping trip with George down on the Lake Fork, again, drinkable and nice. Nothing especially special about the beer, but if you want a light, delicious, locally brewed beer give it a try.

Kolsch Pour

Appearance: Super light like a lager or pilsner; clear transparent yellow. Lots of bubbles, but no head to speak of.

Smell: Grassy and fruity, not terribly complex and not terribly aromatic

Taste/Mouthfeel: Wet and bubbly/well carbonated. Definitely a bit more like a pilsner than a lager with more of a grassy/hay flavor

Overall: Drinkable and nice on a hot day. Super rad can. Won’t blow your socks off but it’s light and refreshing. A good beer to celebrate the last days of summer.

3 out of a Six Pack ©

3 out of a Six Pack ©

IBU: 16.1
ABV: 4.8
Available in Six Pack Cans
Brewed by Steamworks Brewing Co. Durango, Colorado.

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