How To: Tippet Rings

I’ll be honest, I’ve never used a tippet ring. The fly shop that I worked at didn’t carry them and I’d never even heard of them til I saw this video. Using Barbie to showcase the tippet rings is sheer genius. Give it a watch, the deadpan narrating with the hilarious video is guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.

Put a Ring on It from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.

After watching I’m definitely interested. I’m one of those guys who has 700 knots in his leader because he is too cheap to buy a new one, if a tippet ring will help reduce the number of knots in my leader while allowing me to switch tippet quicker and easier it sounds like a win/win situation. I’m currently on the East Coast and will see if I can swing by the local fly shop out here and pick some up. Check it out!

tippet ring

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